Elon Musk Portrait
I have known the names Tesla Motors (which recently changed into Tesla, Inc.) and SpaceX for a few years, but only last year did I decide to look into the stories of the man behind them, Elon Musk. I was captivated by his story. It is incredible that one person could lead two revolutionary companies at the same time.
As a part of the portrait series I am working on, I decided to draw Elon Musk portrait. I attempted to capture subtle skin tones using simplified pen strokes. There are areas that I am happy with, like the light side of the neck, but most areas I am not happy with. I think I should use a larger piece of paper in the next inked portrait piece.
[edited on 17 July 2017]
In a coincidence, Elon Musk had an interview at the National Governors Association Summer Meeting on the same day I published this post. It is perhaps not the most entertaining interview with him, but it reminded me of some observations I had about Mr Musk's appearance (after all that is what I strove to capture in my drawing).
- Recently he seemed to grow a mustache. I personally find it a little strange.
- His jaw-cheekbones cause this strange change in the shape of his head. From frontal angle, his face looks squarish. At certain tilt, however, his head starts to look non-squarish. I wonder if there is a proper term for this kind of head shape.
- He has rather heavy eye bags. They used to be prominent only on his lower eyelids, but recently even the upper eyelids look rather baggy. Most likely because he sleeps very little.
- He gained weight. This is apparent in his body, but his face seems much less affected.
Anyway, I think history will remember Elon Musk at least for electric cars and reusable rockets. Assuming he does not mess things up (which is very likely (that he does not mess things up, that is)).
[end edit]
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